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A Modest Proposal

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The Dustshoveller's Gazette: A Modest Proposal

Thursday, 1 December 2011

A Modest Proposal

So, while I'm waiting for the OUP copyeditor to contact me about deadlines for edits to The Day Parliament Burned Down, I'm working on mini-pitches to my agent Bill for the next book.  Though we've discussed some ideas face to face, I'm a bit diffident doing this off the top of my head and feel much more comfortable writing ideas down and making them punchy (probably goes back to a mispent year working in a PR agency straight after university).  So far I've got five paragraph-long pitches for books, some Parliamentary, some going back to my roots as a medieval historian.  I have another five or so in my head that I'm working on.  Once we've got a list, it'll be a question of discussing, rejecting, refining, or expanding.  Book No 2 will need to be something I know a bit about already, plus something which hasn't been written about before (or which needs a modern interpretation), plus something the market wants, plus something which I am prepared to spend two or more years of my life working on.  That's quite a tall order.  If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to write them on a postcard below...



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